Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Oh Halloween! How I miss trick or treating!! Anyway...

Andrew had an LOL show last night, so that's what we did for Halloween. I forgot to bring a camera, so I as soon as we got home we took some pictures.

Andrew dressed up like a "sexy" nerd.

And for everyone that has been wanting to see what I look like while pregnant....

Here I am... the pumpkin.

Our last Halloween as a family 0f 2.


Lester Family said...

VERY Cute Vanessa. Andrew...I'm not sure "sexy" is the word for it.

Laura Perkins said...

That is a cute pumpkin! But I have to agree with Kristie about Andrew's costume.

Michael, Heidi, Eden, and Lyla said...

OMG! I can't believe you are expecting! So exciting! You are so cute pregnant! I can't wait to see what a beautiful baby you two create!
Vanessa is going to be a mommy! WOW!!!!