Friday, October 10, 2008

What to write about...

I'm not quite sure what to write about since the baby isn't here yet and there isn't too much going on in our lives except for maybe an endless string of doctor's appointments for me and school and work for Andrew. So that's what I'll write about.

I think Andrew likes his classes. Everytime time I ask him about it he tells me it's "fine". Work, on the other hand, frustrates him quite a bit. Many of the people at work don't take it too seriously and seem to make more work for the ones that do. He only works in the morning now, which I love because that means he's not getting home at 10 or 11 at night.

As for me, there isn't too much going on except for an endless string of doctor's appointments and dealing with new pains (and pounds) that seem to pop up out of nowhere. On Tuesday, I had one of my doctor's appointments that went pretty well. I go to a midwife clinic where there's about 3 or 4 midwives on staff and they rotate because they want their patients to get to know all of them. In past weeks, I seemed to have the same two and I liked them enough. The one made a point to let me know that a gained a little too much weight in between my 16 wk and 20 wk appointments. So when I stepped on the scale this last appointment, I was afraid to face her again. If she thought the previous jump in weight was bad, I was definitely going to get a talking to about this jump. Fortunately for me, I got to meet with a new midwife who said that my weight gain was good and not to worry too much about it because I'm perfectly healthy and baby is doing well. So yay! No scolding about my weight!

Afterwards Andrew and I went to Old Navy to check out their maternity section. They had a pretty good selection, but I'm picky when it comes to pants and I wasn't too crazy about theirs. I'll just stick with Motherhood when it comes to jeans. Anyway, we don't have full length mirror yet so imagine my surprise when I tried things on and looked in the mirror, and lo and behold! I was quite bigger than I thought. That side profile just about gave me a heart attack. I've got a big belly! And I thought I wasn't big enough for being 6 mos. I was dead wrong! I just looked at Andrew and started to laugh. We need a mirror at home.


SmithDish said...

Cute blog! Your baby is already so cute! I can't wait to see him when he has actually hatched! Wow! I really can't believe you are all grown up and going to be a mom. I still remember the first day we met. You were all decked out with bright red lipstick!(it was a little shmeared on the corners of your mouth)Your mom had been working that day and we picked you up in Heath's little car. You were adorable. Take care! love Laurie

Iniobongnyanah said...

Hola niƱa ,
Esto esta muy bien me gusta mucho! Quizas algun dia me ensenaras como se hace porque me gustaria uno para mi tambien.
Tuve que abrir una cuenta con google para que me dejan escribir en tu blog, espero que no me cobran nada.
Te quiero mucho